Please selct your style of skydive from the below tabs and download and read carefully the information in the forms
You may self certify for a Tandem Skydive by completing BPA Form 115A
If you have any conditions indicated in the form 115A then you will need to take the below form 115B to your GP for an assesment and get them to sign and stamp it - please bring this with you to the centre on the day of your skydive!
You may self certify for an AFF Skydive by completing BPA Form 115C
If you have any conditions indicated in the form 115C then you will need to take the below form 115B to your GP for an assesment and get them to sign and stamp it - please bring this with you to the centre on the day of your skydive!
You may self certify for a Static Line Skydive by completing BPA Form 115C
If you have any conditions indicated in the form 115A then you will need to take the below form 115D to your GP for an assesment and get them to sign and stamp it - please bring this with you to the centre on the day of your skydive!
You may self certify for skydiving by completing BPA Form 115E
If you have any conditions indicated in the form 115A then you will need to take the below form 115F to your GP for an assesment and get them to sign and stamp it - please bring this with you to the centre on the day of your skydive!
Copyright 2016-2024. Skydive Centre Ltd 0800 009 3015